
Sunday, March 27, 2011
sorry I did my disappearing act again! when I get down or bored or even just artblocked I tend to become a serious hermit case, and if people bother me about it (which they did, this time) then I just become worse, hahaha... sigh

well anyway, my spring break has started just in time for me to suddenly get a horrible case of the cold, so I guess I'll have a lot of time this week to sit around and drown in my own snot and--possibly--update something, wow!

the stuff i've drawn since my last post has pretty much been me struggling, but idk I'll post what I have, most of it is weeks old. I'm hoping that getting all this crap posted and off my chest will help me out of this funk

click read more if you want to see a lot of embarrassing sketches and babbling..

weeks old stuff:

from a color scheme meme that i got bored of doing after 5 minutes orz

lol when young justice just started I was all over this couple. now that more episodes are out i can just see it's not feasible anymore sob

i don't really ship this but YJ twitter <3

last week:

 lol notice how it gets lazier and lazier until it just becomes completely abstract.

oh, a few days ago at crazy-o-clock i decided to revisit my past and draw every set of characters (containing more than 2 chars) I ever made, I wound up not drawing all of them but I got a lot of them. they were drawn in less than 10 minutes (at crazy-o-clock I remind you) each and colored with touchpad so don't expect anything. really.

the first set of people where created by my step sister and me when we were like... 12-13?? the story was as dumb and cliche as you would expect from the minds of two crazy pubescent girls, we even had self-insert characters haha (orz). for the names we did the most weeaboo thing we could do and translated random words in japanese and settled on that, hence "koneko" lol........ these were fun times though! I did everything from memory without looking anything up so if something is wrong forgive me tae!

the second set is this group I created in HS, it was going to be a great webcomic (according to me) but I couldn't figure out what it was even about lol. I still have a soft spot for these characters.

these next two stories are both late middle school-early high school age. the first one is a really strange (naruto inspired orz) shounen story about a city filled with warriors or something??? their designs are vaguely inspired by.... bugs... I am very strange.... ok these are getting too embarrassing... I have to stop hahaha

also, a true story about how I click the clear button on drawr every 5 seconds so when it comes to upload sometimes my body autopilots and I wind up pressing clear again:


one of the driving forces of my artblock, to tell the truth, is that I realized some pretty big habitual errors that I made when drawing people but i didn't know how to go about changing them, or, at first, if I even wanted to. when I tried to draw in a different way, the drawing didn't look like it was mine, but it's not like I wanted to keep on drawing something I knew was incorrect...eventually, I started getting really unsatisfied with everything I drew.

that's when I realized after some thought, that for amateur artists like me (beginners) one of the biggest things that define their personal drawing style is the mistakes (or you could say "distortions" because I guess it's subjective to what actually defines a "mistake") they make when drawing, of course there are other things, but I think that's a huge, possibly the biggest, factor. I'm not an art major though, so this isn't necessarily an educated opinion, but I think I'm supported in that when you look certain artists galleries, it's interesting because usually, their past work looks much more stylized, unpolished, unique. Sanami Matoh's Fake (1994) vs. her Fake, Season 2 (2007) is kind of what I'm talking about. anyway, bringing us back to the original point which is me, whining about my artblock: I didn't know how to find a balance. I still don't, eventually I will move forward but this is something I still think about.


Chrissie said...

first of all I MISSED YOU SO MUCH AHHHHHHHHH welcome back to the internet. orz, I do a sort of disappearing act too, but I only do it IRL with my RL friends and then I just escape to the internet durr.....

UGHHH CID everything you draw is really beautiful T 3T even your lazy abstract things IDK I JUST LOVE THEM.

this one is my favorite of them all: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-a8FIb1dKR_I/TYZzTduVVmI/AAAAAAAAAQI/pJxuaivK568/s1600/4d721452Uwsgb2zv.png

as for artblock, yes, I totally understand the portion about realising bad habits while drawing and wanting to change them but not knowing how to go about it. and also the thing about trying to 'fix' the way that you draw... I've been told by people that I'm fairly consistent but when I look at ___ picture vs ___ picture, all I see are 2 different pictures. and the fact that (to me) I don't seem to draw consistent really frustrates me... this is part of what fuels my art emoing.

there's also the fact that... ugh... I unfortunately get jealous of everyone else's art style and want to be them and not me (even though in my head I know that I shouldn't be concerned about that but arughkds I am). then I just told myself to hermit-ish myself away from art communities and only do stuff for my friends (except I'm a hypocrite because I'm still involved with DA group stuff).

and then I get jumbled up and confused about *what* I would like to draw/aim for (because I see so-and-so's stuff that I LOVE and would like to try out) and that confusion gets me so frustrated. blaghhhhhh when can I return to the days when I draw things and they make me simply happy.

In any case, right now I am at a neutral feeling towards drawing. T 3T. I hope you are able to get out of your slump as well. sigh, usually I find that they just come and go naturally...


Tae said...

(Sorry, this is Tae, I couldn't log into my LJ account for some reason??)

I know what you mean about art styles. It's been bugging me a lot lately too, because there's styles that I aspire to have and no matter how much I try, it just doesn't happen. I try to improve coloring techniques and it pales compared to the art I'm referencing, or I try to make stuff more realistic and it falls short.

IDK, not being an art major, I suffer from the same sort of artblock, but maybe to a lesser degree. Honestly, I don't feel like I have a style at all, mostly like my work is just borrowed references stuck together in an undesirable way.

Anyway, without getting too emo on you, I think I understand what you mean and from recent experience, I know drawing isn't always a piece of cake and what you have in your mind hardly ever translates to paper. But we do the best we can anyway, don't we?

On a brighter note, seeing the MMSG characters totally cheered me up, as did the rest of your beautiful drawings. Lol, especially your expression on the last panel in the comic! XD

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